Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Who do we want to become...

As I look at NEO I often wonder how and why did you end up in the position we are in today.  In case you are wondering the position I am talking about is poor public schools, widespread corruption, massive foreclosures, lack of jobs and economic development, consistent and persistent population loss and brain drain, etc. In doing research I spoke with both friends and family members about the different events that were big in NEO and from that information I couldn't help but point the finger in one direction and that direction has to go to the constituents of NEO.

The people of NEO have allowed jealousy, racial politicking, fear mongering and down right ignorance to destroy what very could be the best city in America.  Make no mistake about it, it was a reason why Cleveland and NEO was called the best location in the nation at one point in time.  If we correct our flaws, we will not only be called the best location in the nation again but, THE BEST LOCATION ON THE PLANET  and we will have people from all over the world coming to set up shop and thrive here!!!

In coming out of this whole we the people of NEO have dug ourselves in WE must come to the realization that how things were done in the past is working anymore and that the status quo is unacceptable more often than not.  Holding onto concepts from the industrial revolution isn't applicable to the diverse world we live in today.  In today's world you have to be nimble and open minded to any and all ideas no matter if you agree with them or not or even they go against your moral beliefs.  The reason I say this because you cannot place your morals on others and dismiss what they may or may not bring to the table because of it.  As I said be open minded to any and all possibilities in today's world.  I say this because we often allow ourselves to get caught up in material things and what somebody said 20 years ago rather than focusing on the issues that are plaguing our area.

We must take ownership of the area in which we are to become and not allow anyone, any political party or race for starters to stop us from achieving who we want to be.  I look at Cleveland and wonder why we are under 400,000 people when the resources we have indicate we should have well over 3 million people in the entire city we are holding ourselves back with the lack of focus of what we want and the ways to go about getting there. 

Folks, if we are going to do it, we must do it together and have one voice on how we are going to do it and then we will reach our awesome potential!!! 

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