Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The steps to take....

We in NEO CLAIM that we are tired of being the butt of jokes nationally, wonder why we can never seem to advance like other major cities.  We wonder why businesses leave, why are schools fail, why we can't big time athletes to come without significantly overpaying.  We wonder how and why we got major corruption and why we can never find a perfect formula for using the greatest deposit of freshwater on the universe that would absolutely transform the entire region if put to use properly.

The answer to these issues is quite simple folks.  That is, we refuse to CHANGE!!!  All to often to many people feel they have to do things because that's the way it has always been done, they feel they must vote for a certain candidate or for a certain political party because they voted for them 25 years ago, etc.  These are good examples of how holding onto certain things that clearly aren't working for has caused us to be in the predicament.  Moreover, until we can change our attitude about these things and similar issues we as the people of NEO will continue to the decaying of our area.

In supporting one particular candidate I was stunned to find out how stubborn and apathetic the people in NEO were when it came down to knowing who and what to support. I couldn't but help to notice the reasoning by some people on why they should keep going with the same candidates who are or affiliated with the people who put us in this mess. I listened to things such as:  I can't support him because he's to rich, he wears nice clothes, he has an expensive car, he can't identify with the poor, he won't do anything for black people, I don't support anyone who isn't black, I will wait for my minister to tell me who to vote for, etc.  After hearing these things I couldn't help but to finally come to the conclusion that the people deserve exactly what they get(BTW, the same can be said about different athletes as well).  The disheartening thing about this is that the people don't realize that you destroying the region with this destructive behavior.

This destructive behavior at work is with the County Corruption where to this point around 30 or more of the people with some with the trust of the public within them have either pleaded guilty or implicated in some type of wrong doing.  Wrong doing on any level is never right, however, we must find out the origins of the wrong doing and find away to figure it out on how to never let it happen again.  Fortunately, there are clear cut ways to go about making this change and in doing so we are going to transform our immediate area.

Let go of the past:  Not to be labor the point but, just because you did something before or that's the way it's always been done is no longer a valid reason to keep doing them.  The status quo is totally unacceptable, especially when we know that it isn't or hasn't worked.  Also, be on the lookout for improving and making things more efficient because in the world of diverse groups with various interests strictly being a working class area is looked upon as being more of a detriment than a plus.

Focus on the issues:  In supporting Ken Lanci for County Executive I couldn't help but, take note of how many people were more interested in the car he drove, the clothes he wore and the money in his pocket rather than the ideas he brought, the business experience he brought to the table and the homework he did.  These individuals on the other hand thought the County Executive Race was a Law Enforcement position because of the County Corruption Scandal.  These individuals failed to do the homework necessary to make informed decisions because the County Executive position is a job for bringing jobs and economic development to the area.  If these individuals had paid more attention to the issues rather than the material things then maybe they could have made a more informed choice on who to elect.

Do your homework:  Go back into the archives and research any and all issues about people who we look upon as leaders and who seek leadership positions.  Keep in mind that these individuals don't walk on water and they aren't perfect, however, see where they stand on the key issues pertaining to the job they seek and go back as far as possible to see if they made the appropriate decisions along the way.  If not, then ask them to explain how they came to that conclusion at that particular time.  I was stunned to see that during the campaign season how our County Executive refused to elaborate on key issues such as the economy and how to bring jobs and economic development to the area.  It was clear to me at least that he didn't have a plan and didn't elaborate because he had already had the election won based on the loyalty to the Democratic party by the African community.  BTW- it's apparent that our County Exec still doesn't have a plan that we will show in a later blog.

Stop waiting for someone to give you answers:  All to often people go to church, council people, supervisors and others to tell them who and what to support.  What they don't realize is that these individuals aren't telling them this information based on what's in the best interest for the community but, based on what's in the best interest of themselves and the party in which they serve and you are the bait they are using.  We have certain individuals who come into the black community to tell us who to vote for BUT, when you start asking the tough questions(after having done plenty of research) on why you should support these individuals you will start to hear alot of backtracking and double talk.  These individuals find it profitable to keep the status quo and in doing so are enriching themselves rather than doing what's in the best interest of all of us.

Stop looking at success as being evil:  Successful people and businesses are to be admired.  It's apparent that successful people know things that will help us and that we try to extract as much KNOWLEDGE from these individuals as possible.  Also, we should embrace them because if we don't it comes across that we are so unhappy with our lives that we are willing to bring others down-THE LAW OF ATTRACTION.

Again once we decide who and what we want these individuals will soon fade away because now we are equipped and ready to make informed decisions and not listen to the party bosses who have pillaged and plundered beautiful NEO.

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