Sunday, September 18, 2011


I was pleasantly surprised about reading about the redistricting within the county.  As you know, I am for destroying the Democratic Machine within Cuyahoga County.  I am truly disgusted by the things that they have done to keep power amongst themselves at the expense of making this a tremendous region for everyone to share in.  I will do whatever I can to make sure the message is out in order to get those individuals who were not only apart of destroying this area but, those individuals who stood on the sidelines knowing what these individuals were doing and did nothing.  It's time for a new beginning in Cuyahoga County. One that is free from patronage hirings, pay to play, kick back schemes and racial politicking that we all know to well.

I will be supporting Marcy Kaptur over Kucininch.  It's time for Dennis to go.  We have had enough of his running for President, his dependency on unions and his allegiance to the Democratic Machine. I am not the biggest Kaptur person in the world but, she is an upgrade over Dennis.

I am hoping that Vernon Sykes decides to run against Marcia Fudge.  Fudge owes here position to the Black, Democratic elite who decided they wanted another black woman to take over the position vacated by the passing of Stephanie Tubbs  Jones.  This is problematic in itself  because Fudge owes everything to the Democratic Party.  She opposed issue 6 because she wanted to keep the status quo and continue the gate keeper mentality of the region.  Skyes on the other hand is smart and willing to go against the grain if necessary from his own party.  He has earned a good reputation and will be a breathe of fresh air in representing this region.

Other races to keep an eye on is Renacci vs Sutton .  Another Machine person beholden to the Democrats vs a Tea bagger whose region has been cut out for him.  Simple, I cannot bring myself to vote for Machine Democrat so Renacci would have my support.

Pernell Jones vs Yvonne Conwell in Cuyahoga County.  Conwell is another Machine person who owes her job to the fact that she is married to Kevin Conwell.  It's embarrassing to go to council meetings to hear her talk.  She can barely put sentences together and shouldn't be in her position at all.  Pernell Jones is a good Council member who has his heart in the right place, however, I do feel he uses the race issue and the fact that he represents very segment of Cuyahoga County as a crutch instead of concentrating on jobs and economic development.  For this race, I would side with Jones in a landslide, however, if Cooper(who lost to Jones in the Primary last year) decides to jump in the race, I would side with him in this race.

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